The career guidance seminar entitled ‘CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR PHARMA GRADUATES IN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSRTIES -26.02.2022’ at KCP auditorium. The program started with a welcome address delivered by Dr. C. Tharani. Introductory note was delivered by Placement Co-coordinator Dr.C. Senthil Kumar followed by felicitation of the resource person by Research Director, Dr. A.Nagarajan.
The session was taken over by the resource person after a brief introduction about the speaker by Dr. S. Satheeshkumar. Our resource person, Mr. R. Venkatesan gave a detailed explanation on development on Career opportunities for phrama students. His talk was followed by a questionnaire session where our B. Pharm 3 rd and 4 th year, M.Pharm and Pharm.D intern’s students put forth their doubts and questions. Each and every question was answered clearly. The session was ended with a vote of thanks delivered by Ms. L. Mumtha. MOC was given by Ms. Roja Rohini of final B. Pharm.