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International Conference On Developments In Drug Discovery(Ic-d3-2k23) – 27.02.2023 To 28.02.2023

The Inaugural function was started with an opening and welcome address by Dr.S.Ramkanth Co-Coordinator of the iC-D3-2K23 conference. The conference theme was introduced by Dr.B.Meenashi Vanathi organizing secretary of iC-D3-2K23. The Presidential address was delivered by Dr. R. Vasantha Kumar, chairman and managing trustee of Karpagam educational institutions, and Dr.B. Venkatachalapathy, Vice-chancellor, of Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore gave the chief guest address. Followed by the guest of honor address delivered by Dr. B.Sangameshwaran, Principal, SSM college of pharmacy, Bhavani.

Further, the Felicitation address was given by Dr. S. Mohan, Principal, Karpagam college of pharmacy, Coimbatore. Followed by a tea break of 15 min.

The key note speaker for the day was Dr. K.Venkateshkumar, Senior Associate professor and Unit Head, Faculty of Pharmacy; AIMST University, Malaysia Delivered a talk on “Tattoo-based drug delivery challenges and opportunities”. The session was chaired by Dr .K. Elango Retired Prof, MMC, Chennai.
Followed by the lunch break for 1 hour.

Post lunch session started with a talk by Dr. M. Vijayakumar, Principal scientist, of Himalaya wellness company Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. entitled “Natural product as the source of new drugs – traditional knowledge inspired drug delivery”. The session was chaired by Dr. Elango, Prof, KAHE, and Coimbatore.

Next to him was the talk by Dr. Nayanabhirama Udupa, Research Director, Shri Dharmasthla Manjunatheshwara university, Dharwad, Karnataka, India, delivered a talk entitled “Contemporary DNA vaccine delivery system and insight into polymers in vaccine delivery”. Dr.A. Nagarajan, director, of R&D, KCP, CBE, chaired the session.

On the same day evening by 3:45 pm registered delegates presented their research articles through oral and E-posters presentations.

We had twelve oral presentations in the main auditorium and twenty five e-poster presentations) in 2 different halls opposite to the auditorium.

The Organizing Committee invited evaluators from various other colleges such as the college principals of neighboring colleges in and around Coimbatore and the HOD of the Pharmaceutics department.
Followed by a tea break with Snacks for 15 Mins.

The day was concluded with wonderful cultural events presented by students of Karpagam College of Pharmacy

Day – 2, 28/02/23

The day commenced with a valuable talk delivered by Dr. M.S. Muthu, associate professor, department of pharmaceutical engineering and technology, Indian institute of technology (BHU) delivered a talk entitled “Nano medicine: targeted drug delivery, cancer therapy and monitoring by imaging modalities”, the session was chaired by Dr. C. S. Kandasamy, Professor, karpagam college of pharmacy.

Followed by a tea break for 15 mins.

During the 2nd session Dr. K.Ruckumani, Director and Professor, the center of excellence Nano bio translational research, dept. of pharmaceutical technology, Anna university, BIT campus, Tiruchirapalli, delivered a talk titled stistimuli-responsiveart drug delivery systems the session was chaired by Dr. K.Elango, Prof, faculty of pharmacy, KAHE.

Followed by the lunch break for 1 Hour.
To the continuation, Dr.Sanyog Jain, professor, dept. of pharmaceutics, NIPER, Mohali, India, has virtually delivered a talk titled basics and advancement in nanotechnology assisted drug delivery. The session was chaired by Dr.S. Mohan, Principal, KCP, and CBE.

Followed by this the delegates presented their research articles as oral and E- posters presentations, In two halls opposite to the main auditorium we had two poster sessions (8+9) and in the main auditorium we had the oral presentation for the 8 other delegates.

The two-day conference was concluded with a valedictory function. The welcome address to the valedictory function was given by Dr. S.Kandaswamy, Academic Coordinator, KCP. Then the Felicitation note was given by Dr. S. .Mohan Convener iCD3 2K23. The Valedictory address was given by the two-chief guest of the valedictory function. First Dr. K.Ruckumani, Director and Professor, the center of excellence Nano bio translational research, dept. of pharmaceutical technology, Anna university, BIT campus, Tiruchirapalli gave the valedictory address followed by Dr.K.L.Senthil Kumar, Principal, Sri Vijay Vidhyalaya College of Pharmacy, Dharmapuri . The conference event report was given by Dr. A. Arjun organizing secretary of iC-D3-2K23. Last the Certificate distribution was done for all the delegates. Written feedback was collected, and the delicate were also requested to give their oral feedback about the International conference. The feedback from the participants and the speakers was positive and encouraging. Last the session was concluded with the vote of Thanks by Miss. T. Vaishnavi, Registration Committee, iCD3 .

The International Conference was a grand success with active participation of the student delegates, staffs and research scholars in Icd3 2k23. Thus, fulfilling the objective of conducting the international conference.

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