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Two Days National Conference On Preclinical To Clinical Approach In Neuropharmacology – Global Concern

The Department of Pharmacology, Karpagam College of Pharmacy, Coimbatore, has organized a two days’ National conference entitled “Preclinical to Clinical approach in Neuropharmacology” at the Auditorium, Karpagam College of Pharmacy, Coimbatore-32 on 16th and 17th March 2023. The proceedings of the event began with the welcome speech delivered by Dr. C. Senthil Kumar, Co-ordinator, and the Organizing Secretary Dr. A. Madeswaran, Professor delivered the theme of the workshop. Dr. P. Perumal Principal, JKK Muniraja College of Health Sciences, was the Chief Guest of the event, inaugurated the seminar and delivered the talk on importance of preclinical to clinical approach in neuropharmacology for young researchers. Dr. S. Mohan, Principal, Karpagam College of Pharmacy, was the convener, given his Presidential address. The Director R&D, Karpagam College of Pharmacy, Dr. A. Nagarajan was presented his valuable thoughts during the inaugural function of the seminar.

In the first session of Day 1, Dr. Mohanraj Rathinavelu, Associate Professor, RIPER delivered an expertise talk on “Pharmacy Practice in Mental Health care: Past, Present and Future” and the session was moderated by Dr. A. Nagarajan Research Director. The next session was focused on “Translational research approaches in the management of neurodegenerative diseases” which was delivered by Dr. A. Madeswaran, Professor, Karpagam College of Pharmacy and session was moderated by Dr. C.S. Kandaswamy, Academic Co-ordinator. In the afternoon session both the oral and e-poster presentations were conducted.

In Oral Presentations, Overall ten research papers were presented by different professionals. The evaluators for this session were Dr. K. Asokkumar, Professor and Head, College of Pharmacy, SRIPMS and Dr. Mohanraj Rathinavelu Associate Professor, RIPER. In e-Poster presentations, totally twenty eight research papers were presented by the delegates from various institutions and evaluators for this session were Dr. B. Rajalingam, Associate Professor, College of Pharmacy, SRIPMS and Dr. Jagan Mohan, Professor, KAHE.

The Day 2 the morning session was began with Dr. C. Saravanababu, Professor and Head, JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysuru insight on “Cerebral stroke and GUT fibrosis” and the session was moderated by Dr. A. Madeswaran, Professor, Karpagam College of Pharmacy. The subsequent session was focused on “Unravelling causes treatment and management of dementia” which was delivered by Dr. Joshi Hanumanchar, Principal, Saradhavilas College of Pharmacy, Mysuru. Followed by Dr. S. Ramachandran, Scientific officer, Pharmacopoeia Commission for Indian Medicine and Homeopathy, delivered his presentation on the topic of Evidence based studies on Indian Medicinal Plants used in the management of neurological disorders and the session was moderated by the Dr. C. Sethilkumar.

Valedictory Session was started with a Welcome Address by Dr. C, Senthikumar, Professor and Head. The two days conference report was delivered by the Organizing Secretary Dr. A. Madeswaran. Dr. Joshi Hanumanchar, Principal, Saradhavilas College of Pharmacy, Mysuru has given the valedictory address. Dr. S. Mohan, Principal, Karpagam College of Pharmacy, who was convener, given his key note address. The Conference had 152 delegates from various institutions across the state. In the Prize distribution, best three Oral presenters and three Poster presenters were given with mementoes and certificates by the dignitaries. The delegates were presented with participation certificates by the resource persons. Mrs. S. Malathi, Associate Professor delivered the vote of thanks.

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